Monday, September 26, 2016


By: Donna Selma Lind

"Hello folks, I'm your Vitameatavegamin girl. Are you tired, run down, listless? Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular? (pause) Well are you? The answer to all your problems is in this little ol' bottle of Vitameatavegamin!"

There was a time in my life where I had memorized all the words to the I LOVE LUCY commercial in this famous episode! When my nieces "Lucy and Daisy"would come for pajama parties we would stay up giggling all night while we watched all the old I LOVE LUCY reruns.
 Who doesn't LOVE LUCY?
In this particular show Lucy is trying to sell the audience a wonder bottle mixture of meat, vegetables and a vitamin concoction that is sure to answer all their problems. The biggest problem for Lucy was the stuff tasted really nasty and had alcohol in it!W-H-A-H-H-H!

Years ago there was what they called "Snake Oil" salesmen that would travel around and try to peddle similar tonics. These so called "Nerve"tonics were guaranteed to cure any Stress related ailment or disease that you were struggling with. People soon found out the tonics never worked to relieve their problems. Which is why the salesmen had to travel around so they wouldn't get caught by Stressed out unhappy customers! :-)

It hasn't changed much all these years later. There are still all kinds of products and potions advertised  on infomercials and on the drugstore shelves promising to help alleviate Stress problems!
 As I see it there is only one answer to all our problems. Only one cure that guarantees to help us overcome all of the stresses of life.  It doesn't come in a bottle.
You cannot buy it in a drugstore or from an infomercial. In fact the answer to all our Stress issues doesn't cost a dime. No gimmicks, and it is completely free. The debt has already been paid ! The answer to alleviate our Stress and problems is the one and only JESUS!

Let's take a look for a moment at the definition of STRESS: "A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances."
 Let me give you some other names that usually accompany STRESS: Pressure, Worry, Anxiety, Trouble, Weight, Overstretched, Difficulty, Pushed to the limit.
Anything hit home for you? I can relate , especially since I shared with you in our last visit about my Juggling career! :-)

Did you know that some research shows that over 75% of Doctors office visits are Stress related ailments and complaints? Unresolved problems such as Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Anger, Worry, Anxiety, Fear etc. can all lead to physical symptoms , sickness and disease. (Dis-ease)

STRESS affects our body, mind and spirit. If we don't control STRESS it will eventually control us!
Here is what the Bible says about STRESS:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled." John 14:1

"Count it all Joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." James 1:2,3  

"You will keep them in perfect peace, those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3


S- STOP-Breathe- Pray! PSALM 46:10
T- TALK-Talk it out with Godly Counsel! PROVERBS 11:14
R- REST- Read the Bible-Rejoice! PSALM 16:9
E - EXERCISE -Eat Healthy-Enjoy Life! 3 JOHN 1:2
S -SMALL STEPS-Slow Down-One Day at a time! LUKE 12:22-26
S - SIMPLIFY- Prioritize-What can I let go of? HEBREWS 12:1-2

Take a few minutes to write down the top STRESSES in your life right now.

What do you have control over? 
What can you change or do differently?
What will you give to God?  

It is our choice what we do with the Stresses of life.

Look what I  found jumbled up smack in the middle of the word STRESS...the letters REST
And in case you didn't know: STRESSED IS DESSERTS spelled backwards! 
So relax, have a piece of pie or cake, you will feel much better! ("And it's Tasty too!" :-)
Don't sweat the small stuff! Life is too short to live in the STRESS lane. 
Count your Blessings instead ! 

Come on, Shout it out!   
Wait before you go, grab your dessert and enjoy the show!