Tuesday, December 25, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given." Isaiah 9:6

 A young soldier returned home from the Vietnam war never to be the same. He had enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps at seventeen years old. Not even old enough to vote, the other soldiers from 3rd Battalion 9th Marines nicknamed him, "The Kid." 

"The Kid," fought his way through the jungle surviving many battles only by the grace of God and prayers of his grandmother did he make it out. He was awarded a Combat Valor Bronze star when his company came under intense rocket propelled grenade fire and automatic weapon ground assault. His company K sustained many casualties. As bodies lie lifeless and bullets whizzed past his head, the Kid fearlessly moved across the fire-swept terrain and retrieved an abandoned M-60 machine gun lying in an area dangerously exposed to hostile fire. As he ran back to his fellow marines he realized the machine gun was inoperable, the Kid quickly corrected the malfunction and delivered a heavy volume of accurate fire against the advancing enemy. Continuing his determined efforts he then assisted in the evacuation of his comrades to a helicopter landing zone.
His heroic actions and aggressive fighting spirit were an inspiration to all who observed him. 

But nothing in combat had prepared him to become a father and yet a short time after he returned home from war that is exactly what happened.

Unable to take care of the child, the young mother and father made the painful decision to put the baby up for adoption. The newborn baby boy was adopted by a loving family. 

The soldier never knew what happened to his son, but he prayed daily for him to grow up to know the Lord and have a relationship with Jesus.

Fast forward forty seven years later. The message came, "Your son found you and would like to meet you!" 

They came for an early Christmas. A Father and Son brought together by God's Amazing Grace. 

The tears and laughter flowed and Joy filled our home as we shared our love for the Lord and for our new son, daughter in law and three precious new grandchildren! Our prayers had been answered, they were believers and our hearts were quickly knitted together. 

The similarities between father and son, two grandsons and granddaughter were remarkable.  
The way they tilt their heads, the manner in which the fold their arms, the shape of their nose and ears, their fun and active personalities. You cannot deny DNA. 

We have many years of catching up to do and many years of exciting new memories ahead. 

How do we possibly thank God for giving us the amazing gift of A SON FOR CHRISTMAS and a beautiful brand new family to go along with our son? 

"God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure." Ephesians 1:5

The similarities of this story about a Father and Son and another Father and Son come to mind. 

Over two thousand years ago a baby boy was born."Unto us a child is born, unto us a son was given."

This is the story of A SON FOR CHRISTMAS. The son of God born of the virgin Mary who came to take away the sins of the world. The son who hung on a cross and gave his life for you and me.


"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." 2 Corinthians 9:15

"For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Happy Birthday Jesus! Merry Christmas Blessings! 


Praise the Lord and Share the Good News!

Donna Selma Lind 💗



Monday, December 3, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. 40 But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come help me.”
41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42 NLT

Look at the differences between these two sisters who are both in the presence of the Lord. 
One sister saturates and soaks in the presence. The other sister is so busy and distracted that she totally misses the fact that her Lord and Savior is in the room, right in front of her eyes.


She was:
·     DISTRACTED- She Lost the Focus.

·     BUSY, BUSY, BUSY-  She had too many ACTIVITIES going.

·     PREPARATIONS- She was the original Martha Stewart perfectionist.

·     OVERWHELMED – She was out of God’s will.

·     WORRIED, ANGRY, UPSET, CRYING, COMPLAINING - Now she was worn out, on overload and mad at everyone else who was not on her crazy train! 


She was:
·     SITTING AT THE FEET OF JESUS - Surrendering herself, her time and attention. She was submissive and obedient as a servant is to her King.

·     LISTENING TO WHAT HE TAUGHT - She sat, Ready to receive. Soaking up wisdom and lessons from her Teacher, Rabbi and Lord.

·    THE ONE THING OF CONCERN - The one and only thing that matters, Jesus!

·     IT WON’T BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HER - What won’t be taken? Grace, Peace, Love and Joy. And her Relationship and Eternity with Jesus Christ.



One serving and Pleasing People.

 One serving and Pleasing Jesus.




* SIMPLIFY! Push the EASY BUTTON. Ask yourself, how can I simplify this? Peace & Simplicity go hand and hand. Less is More. Aim for Excellence Not Perfection!

·     * SAY NO TO CHRISTMAS CHAOS!  It’s okay to Say NO! Have good Boundaries, Stick to a Budget, have Limits on gifts, money, parties, food. Choose events wisely.  Don’t overbook your calendar. Schedule time for Jesus every day! Please God, Not People.

·     We all know that one person that drives us crazy…Don’t give them the keys! Don’t allow a person or situation to steal your peace and joy! Pray for Self -Control, think before you speak, count to ten walk away. Don’t let people hijack your emotions. You can’t control how they act but you can control how you Re-act.

* TAKE FIVE. Stop, Breathe and Receive God’s peace.

·     * ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Count your Blessings instead of your problems. Live each day with a grateful heart. Your attitude of gratitude is contagious, pass it on. Pay it forward for someone.  Serve others, volunteer in a ministry. Start a new family tradition. Make a Gratitude Board or journal and each day write down what you’re thankful for!

·     * HAVE GRACE & MERCY- EVERYONE IS FIGHTING A BATTLE. Christmas is a hard time for many. People are dealing with loss, loneliness, sadness, divorce depression, anxiety and grief. Reach out, call or text, invite them to church, get a cup of coffee, share an encouraging Bible verse, be a listening ear, give a hug. 









 Praise the Lord and Share the Good News!

Donna Selma Lind 

Monday, October 29, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you." 1 Peter 5:10

"Wake up. Get your Sewing Machine and go give it to Christine." 

I woke up, sat straight up in bed and looked to see if my husband was talking to me, he was sound asleep. I knew it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me. 

Sitting on the side of the bed, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and did my best to convince God he must have made a mistake and surely He meant to wake someone else for this assignment.  

I whined like a spoiled little kid crying to her Daddy, "Lord, why would I give my Sewing Machine to Christine? That doesn't make sense. I love my Sewing Machine, I don't want to give her my Sewing Machine! It's MY Sewing Machine!"  

Then I heard in my spirit; GO NOW and give Christine your Sewing Machine!

I got up, got dressed, packed up my Sewing Machine and headed out the door on an assignment from God. I had no idea what or why, but I have learned when I hear from God to PRAY and OBEY!

I drove fifteen minutes across town parked the truck and lugged my Sewing Machine up Three flights of stairs. 

Christine was one of our new tenants who lived in an apartment building we owned. I didn't know much about her except that she had health issues and was disabled. 

I knocked on the door and Christine hollered from inside, "Who is it?" 

It's me, the Landlord Donna.

When Christine opened the door a thick cloud of smoke billowed out of the apartment. A cigarette hung from her bottom lip and the smell of whiskey mixed with the cigarette smoke about knocked me back down the stairs! 

She peered at me like a bug with thick coke bottle glasses that magnified her crossed eyes. It made it hard for me to know where to look to talk to her.

In her dirty bare feet and bathrobe she snapped; "What do you want?"

I told her, I don't know why, but I believe God told me to come over here right now and give you this Sewing Machine! 

I didn't think her eyes could bug out any bigger but they did! 
She screamed and started bawling hysterical! She grabbed the Sewing Machine, grabbed me and started jumping up and down. She was blubbering something and I couldn't understand a word she was saying.

I made her sit down. I got her a glass of water and some tissues. I made her take some deep breaths so I could understand what she was saying.

In between tears and puffs off her cigarette she told me; "Right before you knocked on the door I was getting ready to kill myself!" 

She showed me the pills she had lined up to take with all the whiskey she had drunk. She was writing a goodbye note to her son.

She had decided she had nothing to live for and felt her life was worthless. She made a decision an hour ago to end her life. 

Christine told me that a few years before she had gotten very sick and lost her job, her home and all of her belongings. She and her son ended up destitute and homeless living on the streets. 
Recently she qualified for Disability and was able to get assistance to move into this tiny studio apartment. Although she was grateful to have a home she didn't feel productive or useful since she could no longer do what she loved to do. 

So she cried out to God to help give her a reason to live.

That's when I knocked on her door.

I asked Christine what her job was before she got sick and lost everything?

She told me she was a Seamstress!

Glory to God! She was a Seamstress!!!

Christine wept as she told me how she had to sell her Sewing Machine and other belongings for she and her son to survive when they lived on the streets. She always prayed someday, somehow she would be able to have another Sewing Machine. 

That day, God gave Christine the desires of her heart. 
Before I left we prayed and Christine gave her heart to Jesus!

The next week Christine opened her tiny apartment for me to hold weekly Bible studies. 
We all donated scraps of material and sewing supplies. Every square inch of her little apartment was redecorated with home sewn curtains, slipcovers and tablecloths. 

She started her own business where she made crafts and clothes to sell for extra income as well as gifts for everyone who lived in the building and came to our Bible study.

I even bought her new eyeglasses! Christine was a new woman recreated in Christ! She found her purpose. Christine was full of the Joy of the Lord and shared Jesus with everyone she met!

Who knew a Sewing Machine could save someones life? 

God did.

Would Christine have killed herself that day had I not been obedient to the voice of the Lord? 

Only God knows that answer. But I am so thankful to be used by God to have been able to give something to someone that could change and save their life. 
Yes the Sewing Machine was a gift, but I'm talking about giving the gift of salvation and Jesus Christ! 

Jesus is a gift for us to share with everyone we meet. 

The Sewing Machine was a tool used to introduce Christine to Jesus. 

It is Jesus who saved Christine's life that day. 

Jesus is the one who mended her heart and stitched her life back together! 

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3


Donna Selma Lind 💗

Monday, October 8, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

What's up with Jesus spitting on people? 

It is recorded in scripture that people were healed when Jesus used his spit.

Why would He use his spit?

Let's dig into a few verses and see what treasures we can find.

In Mark 8:23-25 it says " Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. Then, spitting on the man's eyes, he laid his hands on him and asked, "Can you see anything now?"...25 Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.

John 9:1-7 As Jesus walked along he saw a man who had been blind since birth. 5 "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."6 After Jesus said this, he spit on the ground. He made some mud and smeared it on the man's eyes.7 Then he said, "Go wash off the mud in Siloam Pool." The man went and washed in Siloam, which means "One who is sent." When he had washed off the mud, he could see.

Mark 7:33-35 After Jesus had taken him aside from the crowd, he stuck his fingers in the mans' ears. Then he spit and put it on the man's tongue. 34 Jesus looked up toward heaven, and with a groan he said "Effatha" which means"Open up!" At once the man could hear, and had no more trouble talking clearly.

What we find in all three of these verses is that when Jesus used his spit, people were healed. 

Why spit? What is the significance of the spit of Jesus?

I believe it is because, the spit of Jesus contains his DNA!

Whoa, mind blowing! Yes, let that sink in for a minute. 

What is DNA? It stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid. It's the genetic code, the molecule of life. DNA is the carrier of information. It's the distinctive characteristics or qualities of all living things.

Our DNA tells us who our Daddy is! You can't deny the hereditary DNA of your Father. 

So when Jesus spit on people he was transferring his DNA into them!

Glory to God!

They had no choice but to be healed when the DNA of Heaven touched them!

Blind eyes must see. Deaf ears must hear. Mute tongues must speak.

Jesus inherited his DNA from his Abba Father. 

The DNA of Jesus Christ is the Divine Nature of Abba! 

And we as believers have the DNA of Jesus Christ living in us!


Praise the Lord and share the Good News!

Donna Selma Lind 💓

Sunday, September 30, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

"For we are the sweet aroma of Christ to God among those who are saved and those who are perishing." 2 Corinthians 2:15

Some years ago I went to visit a lady who was recovering from surgery. She was very sick with a fever and a bad infection. The doctors weren't sure if she would ever recover. 

When I walked into her room an overwhelming stench hit me and about knocked me over. It was a putrid odor, and I knew in my spirit it was the smell of  death.  

Though weak and frail, she mustered a smile as I pulled up a chair next to her bed. We talked, I read some Bible verses and shared some stories with her.
I really couldn't concentrate because the smell was so bad that I was covering my nose with a tissue and holding my breath. 

I asked if I could pray for her and she said; "Yes."

I put my hands on her head and began to pray over her asking God to touch her body and heal her completely.

Suddenly a sweet fragrance filled the room. It smelled like frankincense and myrrh anointing oil. As I continued to pray the aroma grew stronger and stronger, it seemed to swirl around us. It was the most heavenly and intoxicating fragrance.

 At one point I cupped my hands together, held them to my face and inhaled the sweet perfume. It felt like oil was dripping from my hands. Time stood still while the presence of the Lord filled the room.

I can't put it in words, it was Holy and Divine. 

The color in my friends face returned. She sat up in bed and said she felt stronger and believed that God had touched and healed her. 

When I hugged her goodbye she looked up at me and said, "How come you don't smell like you usually do?"

What do you mean? I asked.

You're not wearing your "Cotton Candy" spray like you always do.

Yes I am, I sprayed it all over me before I came here today.

No you didn't. I can't smell Cotton Candy. You smell totally different, like something I never smelled before. 

What is that new fragrance you're wearing?

Glory to God, I wasn't the only one, she smelled it too! It was the sweet aroma of Christ! It was the fragrance of life that came to conquer death! 

God healed her that day. Her infection and fever left. She didn't die, she lived to declare the works of the Lord!

That Holy Sweet Aroma of Christ lingered on me and around me on that glorious day.  

As believers we are to be the sweet aroma of Christ, spreading His fragrance everywhere we go! 

We can't buy this fragrance, but the more time we spend with Jesus the more His fragrance will rub off on us.

The sweet aroma of Christ, the fragrance of Heaven.

"For we are the sweet aroma of Christ to God among those who are saved and those who are perishing." 2 Corinthians 2:15

Praise the Lord and share the Good News!

Donna Selma Lind 💗


Tuesday, September 18, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

"I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness." Isaiah 61:10

Mama's old sweater lay rumpled in the bottom of a dusty cardboard box. 

 I set it aside as I sorted through some photo frames and devotion books, the last of Mama's personal belongings from the Nursing Home.

To think that all of her earthly possessions of nearly eight decades were condensed to a few tattered boxes, made me think.  

I thought about how she lived loud. She lived life to the fullest. She loved to the fullest. She was a servant of the Lord and she loved to give herself away. 

As a kid I was jealous because I had to share her with the world. She just had so much love to share with everyone, I had to learn how to share her. 
Even at the end of her life when she had so little left to give, she gave away her love and shared Jesus with everyone that came to see her.

I received a text from one of her caretakers. 
"Did you find her sweater in the box? She was wearing that sweater when she passed."

My heart fluttered as I ran to my closet to grab the sweater.
I sat on the end of my bed, I brushed my fingers over the tiny pearl buttons and coddled the cable stitching. I held the sweater up and buried my face in it as I burst into tears. 
Her sweet fragrance still lingered in the threads. 

As I yearned and ached for my Mother's arms to hold me, the Lord gave me a vision.

I saw my Mama lying in her bed. I watched her take her last breath on earth and her first breath in Heaven. 

She was accompanied by a band of Angels as she ran into the arms of Jesus!

Her stained and filthy old sweater disappeared into the clouds as the Lord wrapped her in a beautiful pure white Robe of righteousness.

That was all I saw as the vision faded to black.
But she was home. Safe in the arms of her Savior. 

Mama traded her sweater for a Robe and now she's wearing the clothes of Heaven.

"But our citizenship is in Heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body." Philippians 3:20-21


Donna Selma Lind


Monday, August 27, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

A few months ago I was diagnosed with Cancer.
This is not my first Battle and it won't be my last.
Every Battle I've been through makes me stronger in my Faith. "Don't be afraid or discouraged, the Battle doesn't belong to you it belongs to the Lord. 2 Chronicles 20:15

When I went for my check up last week the Doctor was happy to report that they got all the cancer and all my results looked good. Thank you Jesus! However the Doctor was discouraged at how the scar looked. I had an allergic reaction to the sutures so it left a scar that will be very noticeable in the front of my neck. He offered to redo the incision with cosmetic surgery so I wouldn't see the scar.

I thought about it for a split second and then I said "No thank you, this is just another battle scar that shows I 've won the battle and I have the Victory in Jesus!  

I am a Survivor! What hasn't killed me has made me stronger.

I have overcome years on a deathbed of chronic pain, sickness and incurable diseases, physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse. I've been beat down, pushed down, slandered, lied about, stepped upon and spat upon. I've been through dozens of surgeries that have left my body filled with scars.



My scars are part of my story. I choose to keep my scars, that they may be used to give God Glory and give others hope in Jesus.

Jesus kept His scars. They were the first thing he showed to his disciples after His resurrection. 
His scars proved He was victorious. Look at His hands. Look at His feet. He wears those scars for me and you. The nail print scars from his crucifixion are still there. Jesus still wears our scars in Heaven.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and Share the Good News!

Donna Lind 💗

Monday, July 30, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

"Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak." Psalm 56:8

The phone rang, I said Hello. I heard a lady at the other end mumbling and saying something I couldn't decipher.

 I can't understand what you're saying, my name's Donna who are you calling?

 "Oh, I'm sorry I have the wrong number." she sniffled.

 That's okay, no worries. I said.

She mumbled and her voice cracked in between sobs. "I'm so sorry."

I blurted out, Wait, don't hang up, what's wrong, are you okay?

She started crying, "No, I'm in the hospital. I just had surgery last night. I was trying to call my friend. I'm having a real hard time and I'm in a lot of pain. I was in a car wreck, this was my third surgery. I don't think I can do this anymore." 

At this point she was sobbing and crying hysterically.

Young lady, it's going to be okay. You didn't dial a wrong number. I believe God had you call me so I could pray for you! What is your name?

I could hear she was trying to catch her breath, and through her whimpering she said, "My name's Joyce. Oh, thank you so much, I put in a call for the Chaplin last night but I haven't heard back from anyone and I told God I really needed someone to pray for me." 

Take a deep breath Joyce, I'm a Minister and God has connected us so I can pray for you!

So I prayed and she cried. I prayed some more and she cried some more. We touched Heaven with our prayers and the Lord comforted her and filled her with His peace.

"Thank you, I feel so much better already!"

You're welcome, but it's God you need to thank, not me. He is the one who arranged our phone call. Do you Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

"Oh yes, I'm a believer."

Well, Praise God, He heard your prayers and He wants you to know He hasn't left you. He's been right by your side this whole time!

"I broke my neck, pelvis, femur and ribs. This is my third surgery and they say I have to have more."

 We are going to pray and believe God that you are healed by His stripes and you will have a speedy recovery in Jesus name.

Her voice changed and she sounded stronger,"Oh,Thank you! Yes please, I want to go home."

Would it be okay if I ask my friends to pray for you too?

"Yes please, that would be wonderful."

Well Joyce, we will all be praying for you and someday we will meet face to face.

"Yes Ma'am, Thank you so much for praying for me! I feel so much better and so much lighter, like I have hope again and I know now that God is watching over me."

*A few days later after calling multiple Hospitals in the area, I was able to track down where Joyce was staying. I went to visit her but she was having another procedure. I sat for a while in the waiting room and prayed in the spirit for her. Then I left flowers, a Bible and a special Devotional for her in her Hospital room.

A couple days later I received this message:

"Thank you so much! You have touched my heart and soul deeper than I could have ever imagined. You will be with me forever and a day Mrs. Donna Lind. I can't wait to meet you! I was released earlier than they expected. Thank you for praying for me, I am truly blessed to be alive today. Not a minute goes by that I don't think about how God saved my life that day."

We stayed in touch for awhile. The Doctors and Physical Therapist's said her recovery was Miraculous! We talked on the phone for hours and messaged back and forth for several months. She loved to hear about Jesus. We made dates to have lunch after her physical therapy and rehab but something always came up and we never got together. 

Then one day she stopped answering my calls, her number was disconnected and I couldn't find her again.

She is always in my prayers. Her name is on the top of my Prayer List. I carry a part of her in my heart.

In life God sends unexpected people across our paths. We don't always know the ending of the story or see the results of our time spent with them.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:6 " I planted the seed in your hearts, Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow."

I believe God used me to plant some seeds in Joyce's heart during a season of desperation. Somewhere out there someone else is watering those seeds and God is growing and increasing His love in her heart and life! 

And maybe someday God will have her dial a "Wrong number" again and I will be the one to answer the call.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and share the Good News!

Donna Selma Lind ~

Monday, July 23, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

"Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil so that I take part in wicked deeds along with those who are evildoers; do not let me eat their delicacies." Psalm 141:4

Have you ever been hurt before, especially by someone you love?

When someone hurts us, speaks lies, cheats, steals, tears us down, twists our words, gossips, spreads evil, rejects us, stomps our heart, abuses, spews vile poison against us - we have a choice in how we react.

Let me repeat that; WE HAVE A CHOICE IN HOW WE REACT!

We can take their poison and drink it, fill ourselves up with that poison and become poisonous like them, or we can reject the poison, refuse to receive it, refuse to ingest it and instead we can CHOOSE to WALK in LOVE!

"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses." Proverbs 10:12

Now I'm not saying we agree with what they've done, I'm not saying we allow them to continue to hurt us, or even continue in a relationship with them. I'm just saying, DON'T DRINK THEIR POISON!

Don't let their poison steal your peace and joy.

Don't let their poison control your thoughts, moods and life anymore!


 Pray,Walk away and keep God's peace. 

"The joy of the Lord is my strength." Nehemiah 8:10

We give out what we are filled up with. If we are filled with toxic poison, that's what we will give out. 

If we are filled up with God's Love, Peace and Joy then that is what we will give out.


If you are filling up on their poison, then that is what you'll become.
If you are filling up on God's Word of truth, love, joy and peace, then that is what you will become.

Once again, IT'S A CHOICE!

WE CHOOSE WHAT WE BECOME. For good or evil, blessing or curse, we have the ability to change the atmosphere by our response and behavior.

The Lord knows the truth about everything that happened, let Him handle it. 
Forgive those that hurt you. Give them over to the Lord. Let it go. 
God will take care of you and cause your justice to shine like the noonday sun! 



"Keep your conduct among the Gentiles (unbelievers) honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the way of visitation."  1 Peter 2:12 

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and share the Good News! 

Donna Selma Lind 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


By: Donna Selma Lind

"Do not be afraid - I will save you. I have called you by name - you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1

 A group of us stopped for lunch after Church one Sunday afternoon.  As we were enjoying fellowship, I noticed our server was quietly clearing away the dirty dishes at our table.

We said Hello and introduced ourselves. She was petite with a radiant smile and soulful brown eyes that seemed to harbor a lifetime of pain. She shared a little bit about herself, her journey and struggles as a single Mom. 

I felt a nudge in my spirit that we needed to pray for this woman.
Before I said a word, my Pastor asked if it would be okay if we prayed for her?

She said yes, so we gathered around her as our Pastor led us in a mighty prayer of Blessing for this person God had put in our path that day.

For some reason I asked if I could have her address and phone number and without hesitation she wrote it down for me.  

Monday morning I wrote my usual Welcome note cards out to the visitors we had in church on Sunday morning.

I decided I would write her a note as well. Looking back that didn't make any sense for me to send a "Welcome to our Church card" to someone who had never been to our church! 

Nevertheless, I wrote her a note of encouragement and dropped it in the mailbox outside the Post Office.

I didn't gave it a second thought until Wednesday night in the middle of  Praise and Worship the door swung open and in walked that woman and her young daughter!

I wrapped my arms around her, gave her a big hug and welcomed them into the House of the Lord.

When Pastor Beau gave the invitation they both raised their hands and with tears streaming down their cheeks they made decisions to give their lives to Jesus Christ.

We circled around, prayed, hugged and shared God's love with them.

After the service was over I sat down next to the Mom as she wept and told me her story.

Between sobs and tears she explained how her life had gotten off track, although she worked hard she had made some bad choices and wasn't able to make enough money to take care of her daughter like she thought she should.

The Landlord had threatened to evict them, her car broke down, she lost her job that morning and was months behind in bills. She saw no way out of her mess and made up her mind that her daughter would be better off without her.

She left the house that day with the plan to run into the middle of the busy highway traffic and end her life.

BUT ON HER WAY TO DIE, she saw the door to the mailbox hanging open with a note sticking out and "something" made her stop to read the note.

She ripped open the envelope to read these words:

"You are not alone. God has not forgotten you. He has a plan for your life. It's not over, He will save you and help you through the darkness. You have a family at The Hill Church. We love you. Come join us Wednesday night at 7pm."

It was Wednesday when she found, "The God Note."

She said she knew it was from God, she fell to her knees, cried out and thanked Him for saving her. She went back into the house got cleaned up, grabbed her daughter and walked to The Well 4:14 Coffee shop where we hold The Hill Bolivar Church services.

God planned before the beginning of time that He would deliver a timely note in a mailbox to save a woman's life in order to get them to a Church service at a Coffee shop where they would come to give their hearts to Jesus! 

We cannot begin to fathom the exact timing and infinite mercy of a loving God who orchestrates every tiny divine detail in order to save and rescue His lost children.  

Everything down to the open mailbox door and the personal words that were written two days before she would ever read them.

That is the God I serve! He is mighty to save! His promises are Yes and Amen.

When you have no way out, He is THE WAY!

You may be struggling today and feel the same way as the woman in this testimony.
If you think you are alone or forgotten, I encourage you to read these words from God and cling to His promises. You are not alone. God is with you. He loves you. He will save you!

Here is today's "God Note" for you!

"Do not be afraid- I will save you. I have called you by name- you are mine. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you. For I am the Lord your God, the holy God of Israel, who saves you." Isaiah 43:1-3

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and share the Good News!

~ Donna Selma Lind ~