"Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14 Art by: Sandra Rast |
When the King was searching for a successor to replace Queen Vashti , Esther was chosen to become the new Queen.
She had to complete twelve months of special training and beauty treatments prescribed for the women before they could go before the King.
Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her, most importantly she had won the favor and approval of the King. Her nationality still remained a secret.
Meanwhile a conspiracy and plot by Haman the chief servant of the king, was in place to destroy all the Jewish people of the kingdom. This of course caused great mourning among the Jews. Mordecai sent word to Queen Esther warning of the planned annihilation. He asked Esther to go before the King, beg for mercy and plead with him to save their people. Esther was hesitant because she knew it was against the law to go before the King without being summoned first. She herself could be killed for breaking the royal law and she conveyed this in her message back to her Uncle.
Mordecai sent back his answer : "Do not think because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this." Esther 4:14
Before Esther saw the King she had Mordecai gather together all the Jews who were in the land to fast and pray for three days. On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and dressed herself in proper regal attire. Knowing the seriousness of the consequences she faced, before she entered the king's court she declared, "If I perish, I perish."
She courageously approached the King where she found the favor and acceptance to be in his presence!
There are many more miraculous and supernatural events that take place in the rest of this chapter in the book of Esther, (I urge you to read on your own, you won't believe what happens next!) but it is the end of the book that is the most miraculous of all!
King Xerxes not only granted Queen Esther her request to save the Hebrew nation but also the King ordered that the enemies of the Jewish people were to be destroyed. All of these orders were given not before, but after Queen Esther revealed to the King that she herself was of Jewish descent.
And so it would go down in history that God used an orphan girl named Esther to save the entire Hebrew nation, "For such a time as this."
This week we enter into "PURIM" a time of celebration in honor and remembrance of a woman who boldly and courageously put her life on the line in order to save her people. Today PURIM is still celebrated around the world by the Jewish people each year.
As I reflect on my own life I can remember situations and circumstances where I stood up for truth, for people, or for a cause.
Knowing that I myself may "perish"so to speak, but I stood up anyway.
Knowing that speaking the truth in love might cause upset feelings.
Knowing that sticking up for the underdog or a cause may make me unpopular.
Knowing I may lose friends, family, fame or fortune.
Knowing we are living in an age where being a Christian, a follower of Christ is not the norm or the popular or even safe anymore, are you willing to perish, stand up for truth, stand up for your faith, stand up for Jesus?
There is an opportunity before each of us everyday to be a world changer. An opportunity to change the atmosphere and circumstances around us. God has positioned you with blessings and favor to make a difference for someone or something. Put on your royal robes and go boldly and courageously before the King.
"Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14