Monday, April 10, 2017


BY: Donna Selma Lind

Clunk-Clunk. Boom-Boom. Clunk-Clunk. Boom-Boom. Clunk- Clunk.
I hunted around the house trying to locate the source of the loud banging noise. Aha,there it is... it's coming from the Washing Machine.
I pressed the stop button waited for it to unlock and flipped open the lid. I figured my husband had left a tool or a bolt or something in a pocket. Plunging my hand down in the warm water I fished around in the clothes to see if  could find something loose. Nothing. I couldn't find anything that was clanging around. Maybe it was off balanced, I shifted and re-distributed the weight of the clothes and started the cycle up again. 

It was quiet for a few minutes and then it started up again..
Clunk-Clunk.Boom-Boom. Clunk-Clunk. Boom-Boom.
What on earth is causing this? I stopped the machine and once again stuck my hand in the water and moved the clothes from side to side trying to find the culprit. All of a sudden I felt something, a lump of some kind inside a sock at the bottom of the wash tub. I pulled the object from the wadded up sock and there it was.. a Cross. 
A beautiful ceramic Cross about 5x3 inches. Completely whole, nothing missing, nothing broken.(Shalom) 
When we had gone to visit my Mom a few days before, she had given me this little Cross. I had wrapped it up inside a couple of socks and forgot all about it until now! We traveled about six hundred miles back home and the Cross was in our Duffel bag until I literally tossed it in the washing machine! 

How that Cross didn't break getting tossed back and forth in the wash is beyond me. It stayed completely intact without a scratch on it! 

I may have washed the Cross that day, but it was the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the Cross that washed my sins away! 

 "Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity And cleanse me from my sin." Psalm 51:2

"Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and shall be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7

The ceramic Cross that Mom gave me is a beautiful artists interpretation of the Cross, but it is not realistic and looks nothing like the Cross on Calvary where Jesus shed his blood for you and me.

The Cross where Jesus was crucified was a crude and rugged wooden Cross. When the roman soldiers nailed him to that Cross and jabbed a crown of thorns on his head, he bled. Jesus bled and his blood covered that old rugged Cross.
His blood covered the Cross and covered our sins. Mine and yours. He took our place on the Cross. He was the perfect lamb whose blood washed our sins away.  And though he died on the Cross, He Lives! Hallelujah! He has overcome the grave!

Jesus forgives us, washes away our filthy rags of sin and covers us with a robe of righteousness. He gives us a new heart and a new life. 
That's how much He loves you and me! 

This Holy week let us reflect on the Cross and what it truly means. 

What did Christ remove and wash away from your life?

What do you need to surrender and lay at the foot of the Cross?

 Praise Jesus the Living God and Thank him for the Cross!! 

Soak in His presence with this song by Chris Tomlin- 
"At the Cross (Love Ran Red)"

He has Risen, He has Risen indeed!