"GOT JOY ?" |
Ever notice how some people always seem so joyful and others don't? Often times the one who seems to offer an encouraging word and a smile may very well be the person who is going through the biggest trial of their life...and yet they remain JOYFUL.
How can they have JOY in the midst of their circumstances?
Happiness is an emotion that is based on our external circumstances mood and environment. Whereas true JOY comes from the Lord. JOY is internal and comes from abiding in the Lord. When we fellowship with our Savior He fills us up with his fruits of the spirit and JOY is one of those fruits! JOY makes us strong!
I've been teaching on the book "RECLAIMING YOUR JOY" by Lorraine Hill and I am learning that the deeper my relationship is with the Lord the more JOY I will have. The more JOY I have the more I can share with others! HELLO OVERFLOW!
The Bible refers to "Unspeakable JOY." 1 Peter 1:8
The JOY of the Lord is so Awesome that we can't put it into words!
JOY is ours to share with those around us although we must be careful not to let the enemy steal it from us due to people,circumstances, trials and tribulations.
"Unshakable, Unbreakable, Unwavering JOY!)
If we abide in the Lord we will remain in JOY!
"These things I have spoken to you that My JOY may remain in you,
and that your JOY may be full."
John 15:11
" I've got the JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY down in my heart!"