Across the field of grass was a young woman walking her pup. He had on a snug blue harness with a matching blue leash. From a distance we watched the puppy zipping back and forth across the park frolicking in the piles of leaves.
As we walked closer I elbowed my husband, "That is not a puppy, that is a PIG!"
"Noooo! No way is that a pig are you kidding me?" was his unbelieving response.
We darted through the grass stepping on crunchy leaves and acorns along the way until we were face to face with the cutest little tiny three pound pig!
Yes! There was a Pig in the Park! Or should I say a Pork in the Park? I'm not Bacon this stuff up!
I don't want to Hog up your time and Boar you with details, but this little piggy was quite a Ham!
It was love at first glance. My heart began to pitter-patter and pine for this little Swine!
But I digress... His name was Humphrey. He was a six week old Teacup pig and his owner was a darling college student who was a Nutrition major (which assured me that she had no plans to eat Humphrey in the near future)!
While Humphrey was the cutest little piggy that I ever did see, there have been other Pigs in my life that were not so cute!
Jesus said in Matthew 7:6 "Don't throw your pearls to pigs. Otherwise, they will trample them and tear you to pieces."
Have you ever given your time, energy and gifts to someone who didn't appreciate you?
Did you ever give your heart and share yourself with a person who used and abused you?
Have you done and given everything you have to help someone until you are completely drained and spent, only to be attacked and stomped on from the very ones you gave it all to?
Well, now we know how Jesus felt and now we can understand when he warned us:
"Don't throw your pearls (your time,energy and gifts) to pigs(scavengers,unappreciative,ungrateful people.) Otherwise, they will trample them (take advantage,walk all over you) and tear you to pieces (attack,mistreat,use and abuse) ."
If you have been a victim of "Pigs and Pearls" then it is time to pray for Discernment and ask the Holy Spirit to show you who the "Pigs" are in your life and stop sharing your "Pearls" with them.
Jesus continued his message in Matthew 10:14 " Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that place, shake the dust off your feet."
Time to clean out the Pig Pen!
"You don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of."
"The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray."
Proverbs 12:26
"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20
"Do not be misled:Bad company corrupts good character." 1 Corinthians 15:33
Share your "Pearls" with those who celebrate, respect and receive the good that you have to give!
Donna Selma Lind