Thursday, December 7, 2017


by: Donna Selma Lind

It was the Christmas season of 1972 when JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR came to my old hometown CHICAGO.  We were still in the middle of the great "JESUS MOVEMENT" that had swept across the United States, Canada, Europe and South America.  

I had just turned 13 and a bunch of us girls from my Youth Group decided it would be cool to go see the JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Musical. 

Mrs. B. my friends Mom, volunteered to be our Chaperone. 
She picked us up that evening and ten of us gawky teenage girls piled, stuffed and squeezed ourselves into her 1969 Chrysler Plymouth Station Wagon. 

I sat all the way in the back by the big window where I had a perfect view of the snow flurries and colorful twinkling Christmas lights on our adventure to the city.

DONNA (ROBERTS) LIND 13 #skinnyhippiechick <3  

The theater was packed and scent of patchouli incense was wafting throughout the Lobby. 

We found our seats just before the lights blinked for the show to start.

The enormous Red Velvet curtains opened up and the show began. 

I sat spellbound as the biggest Orchestra I had every seen played the JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR OVERTURE! It was ELECTRIFYING! 
Scene after scene, Song after song I was hooked! 

I fell in Love with JESUS that day.

 A different kind of Love than when I was seven years old and I gave my heart to JESUS at an Old Church Tent Revival.

This was BIG LOVE!

I had just witnessed the life, death and resurrection of JESUS right before my eyes! 

Yes, I know it was actors portraying it all on stage, but to me, a thirteen year old girl with a tender loving heart, it was real! 
I was there when they nailed Him to the Cross! 
I cried and I shook and I closed my eyes. How could they do this to Him? How could I do this to Him?
I felt everything as if it really happened right then and there! 

No longer would I look at the pictures in my Bible the same.
No longer would I read a scripture and not remember the 39 lashes, the pounding of the nails, the stone that was rolled away or remember JESUS ascending to Heaven in the clouds and promising someday to come back for me!

No longer would JESUS be just a guy in a story. He was REAL! 
What He endured on the Cross at Calvary for me was REAL! 
What He endured on the Cross for you at Calvary was REAL!

Did I ever mess up after that day? 
Yes I sure did, over and over again!

Did JESUS still Love me after I messed up?
Yes He sure did over and over again! 

The Good News is that JESUS Loves you too! 


"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 



Tuesday, November 7, 2017


By:Donna Selma Lind


Something caught my eye in the big oak tree down by the stock pond. The sun was shining overhead and the old oak was lit up like Christmas tree with something shiny bright red and blue.
A quick survey with my binoculars revealed a clump of balloons caught on the branches.
My imagination drifted wildly wondering where those balloons had come from and how far they had traveled?

They sat perched in that old oak tree for a couple of days and then a strong wind picked them up and carried them across the field where they found themselves stuck between thickets and the fence line.

Like a little kid on a treasure hunt I scampered through the field of crunchy fall leaves and unraveled the ribbon tails that were holding the balloons hostage.
I walked a quarter mile back home holding tight to my new found treasure.

I set everything on the kitchen table and began my autopsy. Though the balloons were  filled with rips and tears, the little scrolls of paper that were rolled up tightly and tied to the ribbon tails had survived their journey! 

Was I being intrusive by wanting to see what was written on the scrolls?
Yes, but I felt there was some kind of a message for me in all of this!

I carefully cut the messages from the ribbons, they were all a bit damp so I set them on a towel to dry.

After a few hours I read each hand written message one by one.

They were Prayers to Heaven! They were messages of love and admiration for a Grandfather who had gone to Glory. They spoke of an undying love for a man who shared his life stories and love and laughter with his family.










  WOW! What an amazing Love story! This Grandfather loved his family so much, and his family clearly loved him!  
What a beautiful legacy. As I read through the notes I could see this man had passed down love, but also he had passed down his faith. He left a spiritual inheritance as an everlasting gift for his children and grandchildren. 

How far these Balloons with prayers traveled only God knows. In several of the notes they talked about CUBA and spoke in Spanish. Did they travel this far from CUBA?  I wish I knew that answer! Wherever they came from isn't important, it's where they were going that matters. They were Heaven bound! 

So since they got a bit delayed on a stop over at my place, I said my own prayers and I asked God to send Angels to deliver these Prayers to Heaven!
This Heavenly Heritage is God's purpose and will for us .
"I pray that your hearts may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope he has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in his holy people." Ephesians 1:18

What kind of Spiritual Legacy will you leave?
What Prayers to Heaven will they send you?

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and Share the Good News!

Donna Selma Lind

Tuesday, October 17, 2017



It has been a month since Daddy moved to Heaven. 

That's why I haven't written for awhile. I'm still getting used to him being gone. 

I was blessed to give Daddy's Eulogy at his memorial service and I thought I would share a bit of it with you today. 

My Grandparents were married in 1926, the doctors told them they would never be able to have children. 
My Grandparents were great people of faith and they never stopped praying for a miracle baby. Nearly thirteen years later at the tail end of the Great Depression, in a little community called Roseland on the south side of Chicago that miracle baby was born. They named him "Thomas"after the Apostle in the Bible.
Three years later God surprised them with another miracle baby boy. 
Tommy and Jimmy grew up in an idyllic time and a place reminiscent of Mayberry and Leave it to Beaver. 

As a kid Daddy loved to go fishing. If he wasn't playing baseball or swimming, he would grab a fishing pole jump on his bicycle and ride down to the lake to go fishing. 

Grandma and Grandpa had dedicated their lives to serving the Lord and every Sunday the family went to Sunday School and Church together where they served as Teachers and Leaders.
My Grandparents were Youth Leaders and on Friday nights the Youth Group was held in their home where they studied the Bible as well as had Ice Cream Socials, Ping- Pong tournaments and Sock-Hops.

Daddy was a star athlete and had a gift in Art and Architectural Drafting.  

He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps at 18. 

He became an Ironworker in 1959 and worked his way up through the years to become a Superintendent. He also was the Union Steward for Ironworkers Local# 63. 
For almost fifty years Daddy worked on nearly every big Hi-Rise building in Chicago including, John Hancock, Sears Tower, Prudential,Water Tower just to name a few.
 Daddy really was a Superhero who climbed Skyscrapers by day and fished by night!

He loved his family, loved the USA, and our Military. He loved our Flag what it stands for and all who fought and continue to fight for our freedom.

And Fishing, Daddy loved Fishing.

My favorite memory of Daddy is from about ten years ago. We were sitting at the kitchen table and I prayed with Daddy to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. 
Though Daddy grew up in a Christian home and went to church, he had never given his life over to the Lord until that day when I prayed with him. After that day Daddy had found a new peace and comfort with God.

On September 19, 2017 Daddy put his head down on his pillow and woke up in Heaven. 
He traded in his hard hat for a crown. 
His hammer for a fishing pole.

Fighting Parkinson's disease was a long hard battle but Daddy finally won the war and he will spend eternity in a glorified body. No more sickness, no more pain.

We will all miss him more than words can say, but I have the Blessed assurance that one day, we will walk the streets of gold together, fish in a river of living waters, laugh with joy unspeakable and together we will cast our crowns at the feet of Jesus.

Daddy's GONE FISHING in Heaven. 

Until that glorious day when we get to be together again, 
I'll be fishing too-right here on earth for more souls to come into the Kingdom of Heaven so they can meet my Daddy and my Heavenly Abba Father. 

"Go out into the deep water, and let down your nets for fish."Luke 5:4

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day- and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing." 2 Timothy 4:7, 8



Donna Selma Lind 💓



Thursday, September 7, 2017


By: Donna Selma Lind

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17

The week before Daddy had to go live in the Nursing home I started to pray for Daddy's roommate. I did not know who he would be, BUT GOD DID!

I prayed that Daddy's roommate would be a man of God who loved the Lord.
I prayed that he would be sweet, gentle and kind and that he would bring love, joy and the peace of God with him to share with my Daddy.

The first time we came to visit Daddy, we walked down the corridor looking for his room and as we approached the doorway we heard music coming from inside the room. It sounded like a choir of angels, singing "AMAZING GRACE."
There was Daddy and his new roommate "Ray" sitting in their wheel chairs surrounded by Ray's family all singing old Gospel Hymns!

The presence of God filled the room and my heart was overflowing with joy and gratitude that the Lord had answered my prayers and sent Daddy a Roommate from Heaven.

We joined in the sing-a-long and afterwards we introduced ourselves. We found out that Daddy's new roommate was a Minister. The more we talked the smaller our worlds got. Pastor Ray knew our Pastor and they and their wives had all served together for many years in A.G. Church Camp. Pastor Ray's daughter used to babysit our Pastor Gary and Linda's boys.
We knew so many of the same people from churches and ministries in the area it was like a family reunion! 
We all marveled at God's divine Kingdom connections.

Pastor Ray's wife shared how she also was praying for whoever God was going to send to be her husbands roommate! She prayed that somehow her husband would be a Blessing to the man he would share a room with and they would feel the peace and presence of God.

We continued to visit and I asked if they had always lived and served here in the Ozarks? Sister Louise said:
 No, we served as Pastor's for many years in Indiana.

Now I sat on the edge of my Daddy's bed and I thought to myself; there is no way...
Where at in Indiana? I asked

Oh, a town in southern Indiana, I'm sure you never heard of it, Bedford.

Bedford Indiana? Are you kidding me? What church did you Pastor?

Bedford First A.G.

Now I almost fell off the bed. 

That is our old church! I was the Children's Pastor there and we ran the Children's Church and VBS!

It turned out Pastor Ray had retired right before we came to minister at Bedford AG. Before he left, He and the church were desperate for a Children's Pastor and were praying God would send someone. God had sent us!

Even though it wasn't at the same time, we had all served at the same church, knew all the same people and been a part of the same congregation in Bedford Indiana!

What are the odds of us being at the same church in a state of over 6.6 million people? And then almost 15 years later we would all end up sitting in a room in a Nursing home 500 miles away in southwest Missouri singing AMAZING GRACE together...and Pastor Ray and my Daddy are roommates?

God already knew all those years ago that this would happen. He had already planned that all of our lives would be intertwined from the beginning of time.
God has mapped out our destiny every step of the way. 

"And those He predestined He also called, and those whom He called He also justified, and those whom He justified he also glorified." 
Romans 8:30

Daddy and Pastor Ray were roommates for over a year before Ray was glorified and went to live in Heaven.
But before he went Pastor Ray and my Daddy had a very special time together in the presence of the Lord.

The Hospice Pastor Scott from the Nursing home shared with me an amazing testimony.

Pastor Scott said:
"We knew the time was close for Ray. I was sitting next to his bedside praying and singing hymns. Your Daddy Tom was lying in his bed a few feet away.
All of a sudden Ray sat up in his bed with his arms and hands straight up in the air. He had a peaceful smile on his face and he was looking upwards. He stayed frozen in that position.

What happened next blew my mind. I looked across the room and your Daddy Tom had sat straight up with his arms and hands lifted up in the air and was staring at the ceiling with that peaceful look on his face exactly like Ray!

How can this be when Tom cannot sit up or lift his arms above his head at all with his crippling Parkinsons? 

Both Ray and Tom stayed in that posture for several minutes. I knew they were both experiencing something in a Heavenly Realm in the presence of the Lord that I can only imagine.

Time stood still and then they both reclined back in their beds. A few minutes after that Ray passed over to Glory Land." 

"My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if  go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you in my presence, so that you also may be where I am." John 14:2,3

I have no doubt in my mind that God the Father sent my Daddy;

Monday, August 28, 2017


By: Donna Selma Lind

"We are pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8

Last week we were coming back home from Springfield. It was late in the afternoon and traffic was fairly heavy on Route 13- Kansas Expressway.
The road was two lanes and we were in the left hand lane. There was a large semi-truck in the right lane and he started to come over in our left lane. 
Being the co-pilot I began to warn my husband,


 I see him, don't worry he sees us, he's not coming over here.


My husband pounded on the horn and so did all the other vehicles.
But the Trucker kept coming over and we were stuck in the middle of a concrete Roadway median and a Semi-truck trailer with no way out!

Everything went into slow-motion and all we could hear was the deafening screeching sound of the Semi-trailer's metal hitting and scraping our vehicle from the front of our passenger side scraping all the way to the end of the tail lights.I watched helpless for what  seemed like an eternity until finally the Semi cut us loose and kept going! 

During those seconds of terror, when we were literally pressed between life and death, I looked straight into the eyes of the Semi-Driver (the enemy) as he looked back at us in his rear-view mirror seeing us trapped and getting squeezed! I kept shouting- JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! and then I cried out in my Heavenly prayer language. 


And just like that, it was over! We were alive! We did not die! Hallelujah! The devil tried to squeeze us, but all he got was JESUS!

The truck driver never stopped, we tried to flag him down and so did all the others that witnessed what happened.  A good Samaritan called 911 and reported the accident and made sure we were okay. I called 911 and when we got to a spot where we could pull over we met a Police officer who took our information.
The first thing he said was, "Wow usually when someone is involved with a Semi,they have a lot more damage."

I said; Praise Jesus! It's because the hand of God and His Guardian Angels protected us! Hallelujah!

When the officer finished taking our information for the report, I thanked him for serving and protecting us. I asked if it was okay if we could pray for him? He looked surprised and his face lit up and he said "Yes! Sure.Yes please!"

So there in the Papa Murphy's parking lot overlooking the highway and a procession of rush hour traffic, we Prayed for the Man in Blue. A Protector, a Hero, a Restorer of Peace, Law and Order. Some of the same qualities of my Savior Jesus!

After we prayed the Officer had a big smile on his face and chuckled, He said; "You know it's really something that you prayed for me, today of all days. When I went out on call this morning, I had a Praying Mantis land on me when I was driving. It just flew in the window and sat on my shoulder and every time I shooed it away, it came back and hopped all around me while was driving.I couldn't get rid of that thing.I never had anything like that happen to me before!"

How do we know that the Officer didn't need extra prayers that day or that he didn't need a sign from the Lord showing him that people do love and appreciate what he does by putting his life on the line for the people in his community. Please if you see a Police Officer, thank them for what they do to protect us. Pray for them. Bless them. 

"What the enemy meant for harm, God turned into good."Genesis 15:20


When we were "SQUEEZED" all that came out of our mouths was JESUS!

What comes out of our mouth when we are "SQUEEZED" is what is in our heart.  

"A good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

What is coming out of your mouth when you are SQUEEZED?

Life or Death is in the power of the tongue. JESUS IS LIFE! 

We have the Victory in JESUS! To GOD BE THE GLORY!

Only by the Grace of God did we miraculously walk away from being SQUEEZED by the enemy...Squeezed, but NOT destroyed! 

 "We are pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8

Monday, August 21, 2017


By: Donna Selma Lind

"For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry." 1 Kings 17:16

People call him "The Cookie Man." He is a sweet gentleman who has a Cookie Ministry where he shares the love of Jesus with his home baked Cookies! 

A while back I Heard "Cookie Man" was looking for a cookie scoop to make his cookie baking easier. I told my husband, next time we go to Walmart I'm going to buy Floyd the "Cookie Man" a new Cookie Scoop.

About the same time I was the Prayer Ministry Coordinator for "LIGHT THE LAKE" a Free Christian Concert and Festival in Stockton, MO. I was trying to find donations of Bibles and Devotion books that we could hand out at the Prayer Tent. Every place I called required a large amount of money that was not in our budget. I just kept praying, God please send us copies of The Good News for us to share in the Prayer Tent, and please make them Free!
The next day Pastor Gary and his wife Linda from my Church Bolivar 1st AG, generously donated three hundred copies of the Book of John! Hallelujah!

That was a great beginning, but I still needed about seven hundred more!
I kept praying, kept believing, kept seeking and kept knocking! I was hitting a brick wall but I didn't give up, because I knew My God would supply ALL my needs according to His riches and Glory! Philippians 4:19 

A few days later we were getting ready to go to Walmart and in my spirit I heard; 


What? ALL my supplies? 




I had boxes and boxes of baking supplies. Bags of Flour, Sugar, Chocolate chips, Brown sugar, Cake Mixes, Cookie mixes, Vanilla, Melting dark chocolate and white chocolate and cans of pie filling, frosting, and Oil! I completely emptied my pantry. I gave it all. 
I was reminded of the Bible story of the widow of Zarephath as I cleaned out my cupboards.

We boxed everything up and my husband added several dozen fresh farm eggs. 

I reminded my husband, We are stopping at Walmart so I can pick up a new Cookie Scoop!

Then, I heard in my spirit; 

What? No, I'm imagining that. Not my Pampered Chef Cookie Scoop!


But God, you know that's my favorite! But, I'm going to buy him a new one at Walmart, he will like that much better. (Have you ever bargained with God before about something?)

My husband beeped the horn. Let's go! 

I grabbed my purse and closed the door behind me.


I knew it was God talking to me, so, I unlocked the door and went back in the kitchen and grabbed my favorite Pampered Chef Cookie Scoop and stuffed it in my purse.

1 Samuel 15:22 "What is more pleasing to the LORD; your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice,"

We still stopped at Walmart and bought a new Cookie Scoop because I kept thinking, he is going to want a new one and not my old Pampered Chef scoop!(Someone say, Whale's Belly!)

We knocked on Cookie Man's door and we carried in all the boxes. He was surprised and overwhelmed with all the baking supplies. What a joy to be able to help this dear man in his special ministry! 

He thanked us over and over, we were getting ready to go, when I pulled my scoop out of my purse and the shiny new scoop still in it's package from Walmart and set them side by side on the table.

Now Cookie Man, which Cookie Scoop would you rather have, this nice brand new scoop or this old one here? (I was still hanging on!) 

He picked up both the scoops and looked them over and when he saw my old scoop he started to cry, "Pampered Chef? I've been praying for a Pampered Chef Cookie Scoop! I've been praying all morning for one just like this , exactly this size! I can't believe it, I finally got my Pampered Chef Cookie Scoop!"

Oh Glory to God, He cried, I cried. He was blessed, I was blessed and I knew without a doubt that it was God that was speaking to me that morning so specifically because Cookie Man was praying so specifically! 
God Hears our Prayers!

I admit it, I dragged my feet for a bit, it isn't always easy to obey God, but it is ALWAYS Good to obey God and God is Always Good!

I got home that day and the phone rang, and it kept ringing! Calls from other Ministries donating Bibles and Devotions for our "LIGHT THE LAKE" outreach! Tom and Cindy Johnson from SLING N STONES gave over one hundred Bibles! 

Other Ministries called and donated! 

In the end God took a Cookie Scoop, some Flour and Oil and Baking supplies and turned them into several thousand copies of the Good News of Jesus Christ to share with the multitudes! Praise the Lord!

The night of our Light the Lake Outreach nearly ten thousand people came! Hundreds gave their hearts to Jesus, countless re-dedicated their lives to the Lord and many were Baptized under a huge 25 ft. Cross that lit up the hot July sky!  

Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! All Glory be to God!

We passed out the copies of the Good News all day and night and I still can't explain how when the event was over we had boxes of Bibles and Devotion books leftover! 
Just like Jesus did with the Loaves and Fishes! 

But here is the coolest thing that brings this story full circle! (I know it's a BIG circle!)
Right before the last Altar call, I looked at my purse and there was a Cookie Scoop sticking out of it! That's right a Cookie Scoop, a PAMPERED CHEF COOKIE SCOOP! in the middle of a Prayer Tent in a sea of thousands of people, how did a Cookie Scoop end up in my Purse?

I questioned everyone, and no one knew. I was convinced the Cookie Man gave it back especially since it was a Pampered Chef exactly like the one I gave away! (Hey I should get some kind of a kick back for mentioning Pampered Chef so many times in this story! ;-) 

I found out the next day that our Church Youth Pastor Mike's wife Christa had heard the story about how God turned my Cookie Scoop and the Flour and Oil baking supplies into thousands of Bibles and Devotion Books! 

She said she was baking some chocolate chip cookies and reached into the drawer for her cookie scoop and there were two in the drawer! She only had one and had know idea how she ever ended up with two! When she picked the extra scoop up and examined  it closely it was stamped inside the handle with the words PAMPERED CHEF! Christa said she never owned a Pampered Chef Scoop! She knew God put it there for her to give it to me! Thank you Christa!

Can you believe that? Glory to God! He gave me back my Cookie Scoop! Thank you Father God!

Because He loves us and He wants to Bless His children! He is a good, good Father! Yay! He loves us!

When we let go of what is in our hand, God will release what is in His hand!
 Sometimes we hold onto something or someone so tight that we don't have any room left to open up to something far greater and better than we can ever imagine!

What are you holding onto? 

What are you ready to let go of so your life and the Kingdom of God can grow, multiply and be glorified? 

  "And the Word of the Lord continued to grow and be multiplied." 
Acts 12:24

"Give and it will be given unto you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will it be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."Luke 6:38


Tuesday, July 11, 2017


By: Donna Selma Lind

Donna Selma Lind
"I was blind but now I see!" John 9:25

A few months ago we added a brood of newborn chicks to our already large chicken flock. I had picked out a couple of new exotic breeds that I thought looked like fun. The kind with the fancy fountain feather heads. As the baby chicks got older they started to explore outside of their Coop. Well, all but the two special ones, they never wanted to go outside, they always hung back and clung together in the corner of the Coop. We just thought they were a little skittish because they were fancier than the normal "farm chicks!" ;-)

One day after my Husband opened the door to let the chickens out he peeked through the window to see what "Martha and Mary" were doing. They were clucking and squawking and dashing back and forth bouncing off the walls and into each other! He went inside, picked up the chickens and after a thorough examination called me over for a second opinion. 

I think the chickens are BLIND! he announced. Look at their eyes!

I don't see their eyes! 

Exactly, that's why they don't go outside with the other chickens. That's why they hide in the corner and run into the walls! They're BLIND!

We started to move the feathers around on their fancy feathered knot-heads and all of a sudden the tiniest green eyeball peered back at me! It was only opened a tiny slit and the eyelid was fluttering and blinking like someone flung open the curtains on a sunny morning and shouted;

They weren't blind at all, the poor babies just couldn't see because their fancy feathers had grown down and covered their eyes! 

After a quick you-tube tutorial on; "How to cut fancy feathers off around chicken eyes!" the operation began.

A few careful snips here and there and eyesight was restored to a couple of very happy chick-a-dees! 

Martha and Mary ran outside clucking and flapping their wings, seeing the barnyard and their fine feathered friends for the first time since they were babies! That night they flew up and sat on the roost for the first time, so proud and happy just chuckling away!

They were Blind, but now they see!

How many of us stumble around in the darkness, bumping into the same old walls of sin and bad habits, unforgiveness, envy,pride,anger and offense? 
We hide in the dark corners hoping no one will notice and call us out of our selfish, sinful lives.
We think it's easier to hide in the darkness, easier to push away the fear and the pain and push away the people who love us and want to help us. 

"For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed." John 3:20

In the darkness we are Blind. Spiritually Blind. We can't see the truth in the dark. And we don't want to! We cannot grow in the dark. We can't fly in the dark! 

"But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." John 3 :21

As believers we are to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to a world of darkness.
We are to shine in a way that those in the dark would want to come into the light. Show the world truth in love and share our testimony of how God trimmed the little chicken feathers off our eyes so now we can see and walk in the light. 

And when we walk in the light, we can "SEE"with spiritual eyes, how to reach out and help someone else who is stumbling in the darkness like we once did. We can share our story of hope and God's amazing Grace of how we once were lost but now we're found. 

"I was Blind but now I see."

This week ask the Lord to trim your "fancy chicken feathers" off of your eyes so you can see to help someone else see who is struggling and stumbling around in the darkness!

Donna S. Lind
"We were blind but now we see!" John 9:25

Thursday, June 29, 2017


By: Donna Selma Lind

"For if either of them falls, the other one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up." Ecclesiastes 4:10

Last week my husband fell down and broke his wrist and  fractured his ribs.
Sometimes we don't realize how much we rely on one another or take for granted the other person until they no longer can do what they did or until they are gone.

What an unfortunate way to learn to appreciate the ones we love.
When my Husband and I married we took vows that said "And the two shall become one."
 We really have become one. We do complete one another. And isn't that God's plan?

We have established a routine in our life where I take care of certain things in our household and my Husband takes care of other things. We work together as a team, I help him and he helps me, it has become an automatic system where we each have a part to do and we do it. We have each others backs, we rely on one another, we count on each other. So, when one of us falls down, the other lifts up his companion and helps him up.

 Last spring I "fell down"with Pneumonia and was sick for about four months, Stanley was right by my side to help me with chores and whatever I needed help with. When he fell down last week I came alongside of him and am helping with his chores and everyday life stuff that he needs me for. 
Maybe it's because we are getting older and things aren't as easy to do as they once were but I really noticed this week how much we rely on each other and how much of a team we really are, and how much I really love and appreciate my other half.

We are a little different in case you haven't noticed. And we really are sappy in love. I bet Stanley tells me he loves me a hundred times a day, well maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but not much. He says "I love you", he sings me love songs, he picks me wildflowers, saves me the curly crunchy potato chips and the last bite of chocolate, well maybe not the last bite of chocolate, but the point is, he loves me and tries to show me and make me feel special and know his love for me and I try to do the same. One of the things he has always said to me since the beginning is "Honey, I'd be lost without you." He says this to me everyday over and over. And I really get that, especially this last week. I feel like God has opened my eyes to see our love and what a blessing my Husband is to me. Truth is; I'd be lost without him.

The little things that usually annoy me don't seem to bother me so much this week. The things on my "To Do" list can wait, I just want to spend time with my best friend. I don't want to take him or our time together for granted anymore. I know God has given me this man as a gift to treasure and I do; I just want to do it more now.  Time seems to be zipping by so quickly, life and loved ones can be gone in the blink of an eye.

I want to love more and live more with my husband, companion, my best friend. I want to be the one to lift him up if he falls and be his helpmate as he is mine.

 I didn't think it was possible to love him more, but somehow this last week God has enlarged my heart. 

Take the time to love. Tell the ones close to your heart that you love them and don't take them for granted. If they fall be there to lift them up, help and encourage them. Speak sweetly, love softly, forgive, be patient, be kind, cherish them and know they are a treasure and a Gift from God!

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live a hundred minus one day, so I would never have to live a day without you." Winnie the Pooh

"LOVE NEVER FAILS" 1 Corinthians 13:8

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


By: Donna Selma Lind

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But TAKE HEART! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

I sat out on the back porch early in the morning and watched a Mama Wren fly back and forth from the pasture to the Purple leaf Sand Cherry tree. She hopped from branch to branch and then she poked her head into the tiny hole of the Bird House. A symphony of baby birdies chimed "cheep,cheep,cheep"and then a hush came over the little house as Mama deposited breakfast into her babies wide open beaks.

I sat mesmerized as I watched this magical performance take place just a few feet from me. A worm, a grasshopper, a beetle, she flitted back and forth bringing breakfast for her babies for almost half an hour. Mama Wren, always singing cheerfully in-between feeding her children.  

You would never know that there was a storm the night before that she and her family had survived. 
High winds tossed her little house around.
Part of the roof was ripped off and the branches that enveloped the little house were broken, but Mama Wren carried on.
 She never gave up, she never quit, she kept on keeping on. 

Through the storm and after the storm she never stopped singing! 

What an inspiration she is to me! What an example of not allowing circumstances to rob us of our song!

The Wren is such a tiny little bird and yet she has one of the biggest  loudest and most beautiful songs! 
In the midst of a trial she continues to sing.
 She knows how to "TAKE HEART!" She remains undaunted and  steadfast as she re-builds her nest.

She maintains peace as she endures the hardships of her life.
Her hope and faith remains in her Creator. She knows He cares for her, she knows she is Victorious and no matter the trial or tribulation, she will sing a song of "Good Cheer!"  

I want to be more like Mama Wren! 

When the storms of life swirl around me, when the trials and tribulations knock on my door, I am going to keep on keeping on.

 I am going to "TAKE HEART" knowing my LORD told me that stuff is going to happen in this world, but in the middle of it all I will have HIS PEACE! And I will "TAKE HEART" knowing He has overcome the world! 
And because I belong to Jesus and He belongs to me that makes me an "Overcomer!" Hallelujah!

Whatever trial comes your way, KEEP SINGING!

No matter what the storm looks like,"TAKE HEART!"

Be JUBILANT in Jesus name!

"Shout to the LORD, all the earth; be jubilant, shout for joy and sing!"
Psalm 98:4


Monday, April 10, 2017


BY: Donna Selma Lind

Clunk-Clunk. Boom-Boom. Clunk-Clunk. Boom-Boom. Clunk- Clunk.
I hunted around the house trying to locate the source of the loud banging noise. Aha,there it is... it's coming from the Washing Machine.
I pressed the stop button waited for it to unlock and flipped open the lid. I figured my husband had left a tool or a bolt or something in a pocket. Plunging my hand down in the warm water I fished around in the clothes to see if  could find something loose. Nothing. I couldn't find anything that was clanging around. Maybe it was off balanced, I shifted and re-distributed the weight of the clothes and started the cycle up again. 

It was quiet for a few minutes and then it started up again..
Clunk-Clunk.Boom-Boom. Clunk-Clunk. Boom-Boom.
What on earth is causing this? I stopped the machine and once again stuck my hand in the water and moved the clothes from side to side trying to find the culprit. All of a sudden I felt something, a lump of some kind inside a sock at the bottom of the wash tub. I pulled the object from the wadded up sock and there it was.. a Cross. 
A beautiful ceramic Cross about 5x3 inches. Completely whole, nothing missing, nothing broken.(Shalom) 
When we had gone to visit my Mom a few days before, she had given me this little Cross. I had wrapped it up inside a couple of socks and forgot all about it until now! We traveled about six hundred miles back home and the Cross was in our Duffel bag until I literally tossed it in the washing machine! 

How that Cross didn't break getting tossed back and forth in the wash is beyond me. It stayed completely intact without a scratch on it! 

I may have washed the Cross that day, but it was the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the Cross that washed my sins away! 

 "Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity And cleanse me from my sin." Psalm 51:2

"Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and shall be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7

The ceramic Cross that Mom gave me is a beautiful artists interpretation of the Cross, but it is not realistic and looks nothing like the Cross on Calvary where Jesus shed his blood for you and me.

The Cross where Jesus was crucified was a crude and rugged wooden Cross. When the roman soldiers nailed him to that Cross and jabbed a crown of thorns on his head, he bled. Jesus bled and his blood covered that old rugged Cross.
His blood covered the Cross and covered our sins. Mine and yours. He took our place on the Cross. He was the perfect lamb whose blood washed our sins away.  And though he died on the Cross, He Lives! Hallelujah! He has overcome the grave!

Jesus forgives us, washes away our filthy rags of sin and covers us with a robe of righteousness. He gives us a new heart and a new life. 
That's how much He loves you and me! 

This Holy week let us reflect on the Cross and what it truly means. 

What did Christ remove and wash away from your life?

What do you need to surrender and lay at the foot of the Cross?

 Praise Jesus the Living God and Thank him for the Cross!! 

Soak in His presence with this song by Chris Tomlin- 
"At the Cross (Love Ran Red)"

He has Risen, He has Risen indeed!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


By:Donna Selma Lind

 "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit." Psalms 34:18


Emotional, and Verbal Abuse wounds are invisible on the outside, but the scars and pain left behind can last for a lifetime. 

You can tell if a person has been physically abused by observing a black eye, a bloodied lip or a broken arm, but how can you tell if a person is a victim of Emotional, or Verbal Abuse?

 Let's take a look at what I call a "Black and Blue Heart" looks like.

First let's define this type of abuse. 

EMOTIONAL/VERBAL ABUSE : "Abuse is a pattern of behavior used to gain and maintain power and control over another person."

Emotional/ Verbal Abuse includes non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring, humiliation, intimidation,bullying, isolation, stalking.

There are many behaviors that qualify as emotional or verbal abuse, including: 
*Name calling and putting you down.
*Yelling and screaming at you.
*Intentionally embarrassing you in public.
*Preventing you from seeing or talking with your family.
*Telling you what to do and wear.
*Damaging your property when they are angry.(Throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors etc.)
*Blaming you for their abusive actions or behaviors.
*Crazy making/Gaslighting techniques to confuse or manipulate you.
*Accusing you of cheating and being jealous of your outside relationships.
*Threatening to commit suicide or threatening to harm you or your loved ones in order to keep you from breaking up with them.
*Threatening to have your children taken away.

(The above information describing Emotional/ Verbal abuse is from the website
 I encourage you to visit this website for more information.)

Invisible abuse of this kind wears you down and erodes your self esteem. It robs us of our identity because we comply and become who "they" want us to be in order to keep the peace. We live in constant fear, anxiety and walk on eggshells. 
Because we don't want the confrontation or the fight and drama, we learn to stuff.
Stuff our feelings, thoughts, dreams and desires. WE STUFF OUR STUFF!

We live in pain that no one sees. We put on the mask and hide. We avoid friends and family. We put up walls to protect our Black and Blue Hearts. We go through life. We carry on, we push through the pain, praying and believing, ONE DAY, one day it will get better, one day they will change, one day,one day, if only, one day. 

How do I know? Because I lived it. For many years. No one knew.
I protected my abuser and I hid the pain, I went through the motions because I didn't want anyone to be disappointed in me or him. I was afraid to tell, afraid to fail, afraid to do anything.
Then, One day came. 
Jesus came to protect me and to set me free. He came to heal my heart and fill me with His love. He gave me a new life. He gave me a wonderful man who loves me the way God intended love to be. 
He gave me back my hope and my dreams. He restored my soul.

I am concerned about you today. I want to make sure you don't have to go through what I did. I want to make sure you're safe. I want to make sure you're okay. Because I love you and you are special to me and to God!

Do you see any red flags and warning signs? 

STOP. Stop being the victim! Stop playing the games. Stop believing the lies. Stop the cycle and get some help and get protection before this gets any worse! Before you totally lose you and who God created you to be. 
Psalm 9:9 "The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble."

Are you a slave to this abuse? 

Romans 8:14-16 "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to daughter and sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children."

Sticks and Stones...Names and Words do hurt!



Proverbs 12:18 "Reckless words pierce like a sword."

 What is your definition of Love?  What is their definition of Love?


I Corinthians 13 "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on it's own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

 Recognize the fact that you are not reading this by accident. This is a divine appointment for you from the Lord. 


"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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